Speaker Checklist

So, you're going to be presenting to the North Houston .Net Users Group?

Before your Presentation

Presentation Materials

Material is appropriate length
Material is of interest to .NET developers

Presentation Information

We need the following information about your presentation to let our members know what's being presented. We also need some information about you. Send it to us!

Presentation Title
Presentation Sub-title (optional)
Presentation Summary / Description
Your name
A paragraph or two describing yourself
300 x 300 pixel image of yourself
Any social media profiles you want us to link to on you bio page (linkedin, facebook, github, twitter, twitch, etc.)
A link to your blog (if you have one and want us to link to it)
Whether or not you want us to publish your email address
If your company is sponsoring the meeting (AKA buying the pizza) you are presenting at, we'll need some additional information.


Laptop and/or presentation device(s)
Power adapter for presentation device(s)
Presentation device(s) have HDMI port OR you have an HDMI adapter
Personal Internet Hot Spot (if your presentation requires Internet access)

Normal Meeting Logistics

We start the meeting at 5:30 with pizza, drinks, and some time for networking. This is also your time to get setup and make sure your tech is working. Enjoy some pizza as well! We'll have our pre-meeting presentation deck going on-screen.
At ~5:45 one of the NHDNUG officers will review the pre-meeting presentation deck, talk about our sponsors, and then introduce you.
6-7 is your time. Have fun!
At 7, expect to have completed your presentation and answered some follow-up questions. One of the NHDNUG officers will close out the meeting. Plan to hang out for a little while afterward (15-30 minutes is the norm) to answer any lingering questions or engage in some conversation.

After your Presentation

Often, presenters have great slide decks, useful links, or sample code to share. Follow this checklist to share it with us.

Setup a repo on GitHub
Add your source code, useful links, and presentation deck
Configure the main README.md in the base of the repo with hyperlinks and descriptions
x Send us the link to your GitHub repo. We'll add the link to page on our website and let the Meetup members know.