The actor model is an old computer science concept, originating in 1973 - and it laid dormant is largely a thought experiment for most of its history until the rise of the Internet. Now in the era of cheap, commodity cloud computing the actor model is staging a major comeback across all programming languages and runtimes, both for building distributed systems and for creating reactive mobile or desktop applications.
In this talk we will introduce the actor model through the use of Akka.NET, the most popular distributed actor model framework in .NET. We’ll talk about what sorts of problems it solves well, when you should use it, and what are some of the adoption costs and overhead involved in using a tool like Akka.NET.
Food and drinks will be provided! Please contact us (on meetup) if you have any dietary restrictions/food allergies.
Meeting will be held in the offices of SmartDraw Software, 1780 Hughes Landing Blvd #1100 on the 11th floor.
Hi! I’m Aaron Stannard, and I’m the CEO and founder of Petabridge, where I’m making Akka.NET to help the world’s most important companies build amazing applications with .NET.
I’ve been working on Akka.NET for over 10 years and I haven’t gotten tired of it yet!
Prior to Petabridge I founded MarkedUp Analytics, a real-time in-app marketing and analytics service used by 1000+ developers. Prior to that I worked at Microsoft as a Startup Developer Evangelist.