C# 6: New Language Features

Thursday October 20th, 2016 @ 6:30 PM
Joseph Reynolds
Lone Star College - Montgomery (MC-G G123)


Visual Studio released in the summer of 2015, and with it came C# 6. Joe will be reviewing some of the new language features. In addition, you will get to see how those features work, not just in the latest version of .Net (4.6), but in prior versions. Finally, Joe will try to help you determine which features you should focus on adopting immediately, and which ones you can gradually adopt, as the need arises.

The session will loosely follow a series of blog posts currently being written at Joe’s website.

Slides, soure code, and more information are available on Joe’s GitHub site.

Joseph Reynolds

Joseph earned his Master of Science in Information Technology, with a focus in Software Architecture from Capella University in 2009.

With a Bachelor in Psychology, a Master’s in IT, and graduate work in Technical Communications, Joe offers a unique variety of C# and app development expertise. He is an organizer and bio at Houston area .NET user groups, blogs at InfoCraft, and is a member of the Lonestar College IT Advisory Board. When not working in the office or at home, he can generally be found at St Jonah Orthodox Church, or rolling dice with his various gaming friends.

Last Updated: November 17th, 2016

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